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General FAQ

What is the age minimum for students attending?

The workshop is open to female-identifying students from grade 6-12.


I don't have teammates. Can I still sign up?

You can sign up as an individual, and we will assign you to a team based on age and location. However, if you register as a team of up to 4 students, an extra $50 discount is applied. If you need a fee waiver, contact us at


Can I register as a team with 3 members? What about 2 members?

Yes, you should register as a team if you have 3 members. We recommend that you reach out to classmates and friends to find a fourth teammate. Once you have paid for the team pass, you cannot change it to 3 individual passes later, so make sure you want to register a team. If you only have 2 teammates and you cannot find any other teammates after reaching out, we recommend that you register as two individuals and indicate on the form that you would like to be paired with one teammate.


When does the workshop start and end?

Attendees must arrive by 7:30 AM and pick up is at 5:45-6:00 PM on both days of the workshop.


What we do at the workshop?

Students will hear from current robotics competitors about their experience attending Girl Powered in the past, student presenters about building and programming robots, and STEM industry professionals about their educational journey and careers during the two days of the workshop. Day 1 includes building sessions, and day 2 includes programming sessions and the tournament. Students can visit booths from robotics related companies and organizations both days. The official agenda will be sent out shortly before the workshop. See past workshops for previous agendas.


Do I need to know how to build/program?

Students and mentors are not expected to have any robotics experience. Technical volunteers are assigned to each team and will assist as needed.​​​


Do teams need to bring their own laptops?

Teams do not need to bring their own laptop. Once they complete building the robot and pass the robot inspection, the team will be provided a laptop with preloaded VEX coding software.


Do I need to bring food?

Boxed lunch and a snack will be provided, but you may bring food/snacks without nuts if you would like.

Mentor FAQ

How many mentors are required to attend?

One mentor is required to stay with the team for the whole duration on both days.


What are the roles and responsibilities of mentors at the workshop?

The main role of a mentor is to help the girls get organized as a team, help them with dividing into sub groups, and execute together as a team to build the robots. Additionally, mentors should ensure that the team members attend the various mini-workshops that they have signed up for and visit the various booths and have a good time working together and learning.


Should the mentors stay for the entire day with the team? Will the mentors be allowed reentry to the building during the event?

Mentors are expected to be with the team for the whole duration on both days. If a mentor has to step out for an emergency, they can do so. The second mentor is expected to stay with the team. Only assigned mentors registered will be allowed to enter the building. Each mentor will be provided a badge. Last minute changes to mentor will be difficult as the badges are pre approved for the event.


If a mentor for the team has to leave due to an emergency, will another mentor be assigned to the team?

It will not be possible for the event coordinators to find another mentor. So please make sure that the second mentor is available if you expect to be in this situation. Under extreme conditions please email or contact the help desk on site. The students may not be able to continue if a mentor cannot be with them.


If the team has challenges with programming, can the mentor fix their code? If they have a problem with their build, can the mentor fix their robot?

The Girl Powered Workshop is a platform for female-identifying students to learn robotics and programming. We recommend that you encourage the students to troubleshoot their code. As a mentor, please provide guidance and positive encouragement and allow them to learn through trial and error. Our guidance is for mentors to be hands-free and provide organizational support. We will have several technical experts to help the students with programming and building.​


Is there any training session for mentors interested in starting a team?

Yes. We will host a mentor workshop with a panel of experts that will be sharing information on how groups that are interested in forming teams can get started, registered, and participate in tournaments throughout the year.​

Quick Links

Venue map: TBA

Agenda: TBA

Clawbot instructions: TBA

Programming Instructions: TBA

​Match Schedule: TBA

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